CPR Made Easy
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Philips OnSite Standard Battery

Product ID: M5070A

Onsite battery.  The Philips OnSite uses a disposable, lithium manganese dioxide, long-life battery with a five-year shelf life plus a (typical) four-year installed life.

Fresh-dated for maximum life, this long-life lithium battery (item M5070A) comes with a four-year factory warranty and 200+ shock capacity, just like your original HeartStart defibrillator battery pack. Make sure your equipment is up to date by replacing your AED battery, or simply keep an extra on hand for emergency preparedness in the event of sudden cardiac arrest.

Compatible Philips AEDs

This Philips replacement battery works with the following Philips HeartStart models:
  • Philips HeartStart Onsite AED - M5066A or HS1
  • Philips HeartStart FRx AED - 861304

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