CPR Made Easy

OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION - Emergency Oxygen 02 class

Administering emergency oxygen gives our participants the knowledge and skills necessary to provide care to a victim of a breathing emergency using breathing devices, including resuscitation masks, bag-valve-mask resuscitators (BVMs) and emergency oxygen.

Serious and life-threatening medical emergencies often cause oxygen to be depleted in the body leaving the victim at risk for shock. ASHI Emergency Oxygen  program focuses on administering emergency oxygen to breathing and non-breathing persons, emergency oxygen delivery systems and integrating pulse oximetry.

Major topics:

  • Types and uses of oxygen equipment
  • General guidelines for use of emergency oxygen
  • Using a nasal cannula, non-rebreather and mask
  • Risks associated oxygen delivery
  • Oxygen safety and storage

Class length: 1 hour 15 min class
Certificate: 2 year certification ecard
Class Times: We have some dates listed on our website. If needed please email us info@cprflorida.net so we can do an oxygen training at the end of any regularly scheduled class or at a time you need.
Cost: $50


Learn CPR and how to administer oxygen 02 from the best! "CPR Florida" is an authorized provider of American Heart Association, ASHI and Red Cross Certification Classes

StudyDownload and view our free Oxygen Administration study guide and skills cheat sheet.